יום ראשון, 20 באפריל 2014

Google Art Project - painting websites

The Art Project is a collaboration between Google and some of the world’s most acclaimed and diverse art institutions. 
Powered by a broad, connected suite of Google technologies, you can now explore art collections from around the world, view artworks at incredible zoom levels and create your own gallery.

יום שבת, 19 באפריל 2014

allartnews.com - painting websites

All Art News is a collaborative  website based in Barcelona focusing in art & cultural news.
As a collaborative website, allartnews.com publish articles from anywhere in the world, created by museums, galleries, artists, dealers and anyone related to the art world. Also, this site promote artists reviewing their art creations, allowing them to be known in the  mainstream art media.

יום שישי, 18 באפריל 2014

artbusiness.com - website for painters and art buyers

ArtBusiness.com has evolved into a significant consumer resource and public service that benefits countless thousands of artists, fine art professionals, students, teachers and collectors. It consistently provides straightforward art world news, .reviews, articles, commentaries and information all the time

יום חמישי, 17 באפריל 2014

abstractcritical.com - painting websites

 abstract critical provides a proactive critical forum for ambitious expressions of abstract art.
This website enables interaction and debate and features news and reviews of current exhibitions, articles on issues surrounding abstract art, and interviews with artists.